Term 4 Numeracy

This term we have been working on our Probes. These help us learn our basic facts. Everyday we try to go faster and get more right. It is lots of fun!

Music Man

We have been learning about music. We have been learning about different instruments, how to play them and the different groups of instruments such as percussion and brass. We have also been learning about beat. Here is a video of us, showing you our skills, to the song 'I am the music man'. We also performed this in our assembly

Term 2 Strand Maths

We are learning about shapes and how to describe them.

Term 4 Discovery

We have been working on the Key Compentency of Relating to Others. We have been learning to share our equipment and use kind words with others.

Term 3 Writing

We have been working very hard on our writing in term 3. We have been learning to use our fast words. These are words we have been learning to spell as we use them quite often.

Term 3 Strand Maths

We have been learning about measurement. Here I am measuring my Teddy Bear using blocks. We also looked at rulers for measuring things as well as hands and feet.

Term 4 Writing

I am learning to use fast words and to sound out words I don't know. Here is my jubilee writing. I wrote about what I would be doing in 50 years at the 100th jubilee of Oaklands School.


I had a great time at cricket practising throwing a ball in the air and catching it.

Buddy Reading

I have been enjoying reading with my buddy Emily. She asks me questions about the book.


We were learning about rolls and some moves.


We were learning how to skip. I am good at skipping around the court and jumping up and down!

Term 3 Cricket

We had fun in the hall learning how to catch and throw a cricket ball. I liked playing the games.

Term 3 Reading

I really like reading to my buddy, Tamara.
She listens to me read my book and asks me about it. Sometimes she reads me a story.