
I am learning to 
Name 2-dimensional shapes
Describe shape attributes in their own language
Success Criteria
Identify triangle, square, oblong, circle, oval, pentagon, hexagon and diamond

Use the words: corner, edge, straight, curved, side

Music - Keeping the beat

I am learning to 
Keep to a beat, by
clapping, patting my knees or using an instrument.

Writing Term 3 & 4

I am learning to 
Draw a picture plan

Remember and retell my story

Visual Art

I am learning to 
Use ripped paper collage to create a piece of art
Success Criteria
Fill a space

Demonstrate persistence


I am learning to 

Move my body using the gymnastics skills of jumping and rolling.

Reading Term 4

I am learning to 
Use strategies to work out unknown words
Success Criteria
Look at the pictures

Say letter sounds